Here they are: they first year students (EOI), explaining the irregular verbs with a poster. Don't miss Adolfo sleeping, or Iván reading. And that hand which is always present belongs to Nuria.
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Last friday I went to the forest to look for flowers. I was veryAfraid because it was a dangerous place.
First, I was going into the forest and I was walking and picking beautiful flowers, but suddenly I fell down and I broke my arm.I began to hear stranges noises from animals and I began to run and I fellonce again and I broke the other arm.I didn't have my mobile phone. Then I sat down next to the tree andI began to shout.One person went out behind the tree and I said: -Can you help me,please? The person agreed and I thanked him. This person was myteacher and when she looked at me, she began to laugh at me and she shouted:
- STUUUUUUUUUUDYYYYYYY !She had one penknife in her hand and I began to run very fast, and she ran, andran, and ran... Suddenly I woke up, and I fell onto the floor of my bedroom. Oh, yes! All night was false. I was very happy! but I began to study a lot.