Marshall Bruce Mathers, know as Eminem, was born on 17 th October, 1973, in Kansas City, USA. He is left handed and he wears glasses because he has short-sightedness.
His mother was a drug addict and he was abandoned by his father. Because of that Eminem childhood was not very happy. He and his mother had to wander to meet a house where they could stay.
At school, he was bullied. He even went to hospital and was in a coma when D’ Angelo Bailey gave him a sound beating. He found refuge in rap music with his uncle Ronnie but then, Ronnie’s suicide happened. However, not everything went wrong. When he was about 13 years old he met Kimberly and they fell in love. They had a baby, Hailie Jade, on 25 th December 1995 but this happiness did not last forever. The relationship was quite difficult because they had a lot of arguments. Kim was in trouble because of drugs and was too possessive. They split up several times and got married twice. For one of the separations Kim had a baby with a pusher. Eminem forgave her and he adopted the child whose name was Whitney. At the moment they are not together again and Eminem is the one who looks after the children. As a father, Eminem is excellent and his only fear is to live without Hailie.
He started in music very young but it was not until 1994 when he went to open mic sessions in a local. At first, people booed him because he is a white man singing “black men music”. There, he met five guys and they formed a group, Dirty dozen (They were six members and each one had a nickname ). Soon afterwards a rival gang killed one of the group and he had to be replaced.
Eminem went on with his own career and succeeded. He got it with his strong lyrics about his personal life (The arguments with Kim, his bad relationship with his mother…) making fun of famous people, denouncing the injustices and with a particular pitched voice. He had made six albums: Infinite (1997), The Slim Shady LP(1999), The Marshall Mathers LP(2000), The Eminem show (2002), Encore (2004) and Curtains Call ( a collection of his hits ). In 2003 he also made a film based on his real life: “8 Mile”. Throughout the years he has got several awards including an oscar for the best soundtrack with “lose yourself” from 8 Mile. Nowadays, he has his own record company “Shady records” and he is regarded as one of the most important people in the music industry. In spite of that, there are rumours about his retirement to spend more time with his daughter.
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