170g butter/mantequilla
85g sugar/azucar
200g plain flour/harina
60g ground rice/arroz en polvo
Oven: 150°C or Gas 2
Blend sugar and butter together with fingers, then slowly add flour and rice until you have a soft ball of dough. Roll into a tin, lined with baking paper (papel horno), and mark into pieces with a knife. Prick (pinchazo?) with a fork and cook for 50minutes, or until golden brown. Sprinkle (rociar) with sugar and leave to cool.
Mars Bar Traybake
4 Mars Bars
115g butter/mantequilla
120g rice crispie cereal/arroz inflado
Slowly melt the butter and Mars Bars in a pan (don’t burn!), until you have a smooth mixture. Add the cereal and stir until it is covered in chocolate. Press into a tin lined with baking paper and put into fridge until set. Cut into squares.
Jam Tarts
115g butter/mantequilla
230g plain flour/harina
Pinch/pellizco salt
Cold water
Oven: 150°C or Gas 2
Blend flour, salt and butter with fingers until it is like breadcrumbs (migas?). Slowly add a little water until you have a ball of firm dough. Roll out and use a cup to cut 12 circles of pastry. Put these in the tin, and put a teaspoon (cucharadita) of jam in each one (not too much!). Cook for 20 minutes, then leave to cool.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
100g butter/mantequilla
175g self raising flour/harina con levadura
75g sugar/azucar
30ml syrup/sirope
30ml milk/leche
100g chocolate chips/perlitas de chocolate
Oven: 180°C or Gas 4
Mix butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then stir in the syrup, flour, chocolate chips and milk. Put spoonfuls on to a baking tray, not too close together, and cook for 8-10 minutes.
Chocolate Biscuit Cake
100g butter/mantequilla
50g syrup/sirope
25g drinking chocolate/cola cao
50g raisins or cherries/pasas o cerezas rojas
200g crushed digestive biscuits/galletas
Slowly melt butter, syrup, drinking chocolate in a pan (don’t burn!). Remove from heat and stir in crushed biscuits and rasins or cherries. Press in tin and leave to set. Cut into squares.
Chocolate Truffles
50g butter/mantequilla
40g drinking chocolate/cola cao
175g condensed milk/leche condensada
140g crushed digestive biscuits/galletas
50g coconut/noix de coco
Slowly melt butter, drinking chocolate and condensed milk in a pan (don’t burn!), and add the biscuits and coconut. Mix together well and allow to cool a little, then make small balls and roll in more coconut to cover.
by Nicola Brooks (English Teacher)
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